I'm done! After this extent of anxiety, it feels quite surreal.
The oral went better than I thought it would. I was terrifyingly nervous, and probably could answer only half the questions. They still passed me. I'm glad my written work was strong. One would think anxiety would be adaptive, a biological trait that would help me remember things I need to actually know, rather than to cause me to black out focus solely on keeping said anxiety as subtle as possible. Retrospectively, I don't think the questions were that hard, and none were particularly surprising. I could probably answer them now, in writing. But it's hard to speak coherently about performativity under pressure, or even to not over-think the question (I assumed on question was asking about the factors behind the development of responsible government; it turns out that "responsible government" was the answer!).
I hope my extent of anxiety didn't worry or disappoint my profs. At any rate, they passed me.
After the oral, my supervisor gave me a card with a dragonfly on it. It's quite pretty. I don't know if she knows the extent of my love for dragonflies (perhaps, as I do have some tattooed on my forearm) but they are an image I use to stay calm. That meant a whole lot.
My friends bought me too much alcohol and I am now in bed, probably going to sleep very, very soundly.
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