Wednesday, April 2, 2014

135 books - and today, no more!

[Sing to the tune of 525600 minutes, from RENT]

More than a thousand cups of coffee
Can't even count the cups of tea.
Two fluffy cats, and six fuzzy kittens.
How can I count the books for my PhD?
In essays, and meltdowns, and Facebook-based melodrama;
In 60 photos of Canada geese.
Bird by bird, and coffee by coffee,
So many comps books
And still no peace.

500 kilometres of anxious running
Forming ideas in the swimming pool.
How many hours of circular pacing?
How can I quantify this reading duel?
In reading-hikes, cafés,
(Don't tell me the wifi password),
Discussing books with cats, birds, and goats.
35 afternoons of radio opera,
Seventeen-fifty pages of notes. 

Blasting concertos on overnight repeat
As I chew and destroy an innocent pen.
Impromptu hair dye and chocolate ice cream.
Can I measure my work using Beethoven?
Or lentils, and chickpeas, and bottles of maple syrup?
Or piles of books on an unswept floor?
Nineteen long months of reading, reading...
135 books, and today, NO MORE.

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